Child Benefits and Family Allowance

Child Benefits

Parents are eligible to receive child benefits ("Kindergeld") for all children aged up to 18. Parents from foreign countries can also apply for child benefits under certain circumstances. It is usually paid to those parents who are currently residing in Germany or who are normal residents of Germany. Applicants who are not actually living in Germany may be eligible to receive child benefits if they are subject to unlimited income taxation in Germany. This means that the majority of their income is exclusively earned in Germany. Child benefits currently amount to approx. €219 per month for the first and second child, €225 for the third child and €250 for each additional child. You need to send a hand-written application to the local Family Benefits Office ("Familienkasse") to be assessed for eligibility.

Further information and forms can be found here. The application forms can be submitted personally, online or sent by mail to the „Familienkasse“.

Contact information 

Familienkasse Frankfurt
Emil-von-Behring-Str. 8
60439 Frankfurt
Opening Hours: Monday - Friday 8.00 a.m - 12.00 p.m.
Thursday 8.00 a.m - 12.00 p.m. & 3.00 p.m. - 6.00 p.m.

Family Allowance

If you are a citizen of an EU member State, the EEA States or Switzerland, you are usually eligible to receive a family allowance if you are employed or simply living in Germany.
Non-EU citizens can receive a family allowance if they hold a permanent residence permit and are permitted to take up employment. If you hold a residence permit you automatically meet this requirement. If you hold a settlement permit, you only meet the requirement if you are also entitled to take up employment in Germany or have already worked here legally. Those parents from foreign countries who hold a residence permit for the purpose of studying, or only in connection with a work permit for a specified maximum period of time do not qualify for a family allowance.

Sara Schnier

Referentin Familien-Service

Tel.: +49 69 798-18688 
Campus Westend, SKW-Gebäude
Raum 05 C. 111

Büro für Chancengerechtigkeit
Goethe-Universität Frankfurt a. M.
SKW-Gebäude | 5. Stock
Rostocker Str. 2
60323 Frankfurt am Main

Büro für Chancengerechtigkeit
Goethe-Universität Frankfurt a. M.
Hauspostfach 227
60629 Frankfurt am Main


Familienkasse Frankfurt

Fischerfeldstr. 10-12
60311 Frankfurt am Main

Google Maps


Tel.: 069/2171-2430

Office Tours: every day 8:00-12:20, Thursday until 6:00 p.m.